Online Prevention Games

These are 5 of our game formats. See one of each linked below, set for single player mode. Give them a try! And below those are more online quizzes and other activities like puzzles, crosswords, word searches and more.
Educators - Want to track participation?
If you'd like to use BRITE prevention content for school assignments, we can create private links and connect you to our system for tracking your students' participation and scores to these or our other games & quizzes.
Request Custom LinksPrevention Puzzles, Quizzes & More
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SUBSTANCE ABUSE Crossword puzzle with 10 vocabulary words with definitions to support for communication around drug abuse and prevention.
MARIJUANA & THE TEEN BRAIN Fill in the Gaps, from a drop down menu, to complete the sentences with Information from Ventura County's page
The BRITE program does not promote any unlawful use of drugs or alcohol.